Personalized Direct Mail

connect with your audience

Personalize your Direct Mail

Create a one-to-one conversation between you and your prospects by including personal information in their mailer.

Here are some common examples of information you can use:

  • First and Last Names
  • Company Names
  • Images
  • QR codes
  • Personalized URLs
  • Promo Codes
Personalized Nonprofit Letter

Personalized Letter

As part of their yearly campaign, a nonprofit sent personalized letters to previous donors.

Each letter was individually personalized with:

  • Donor's Full Name
  • Previous donation amount
  • Current suggested donation

Personalized Postcard

A car dealership sent a postcard campaign to customers of 5+ years.

Each postcard was personalized with:

  • Customer's Full Name
  • Model of previous car purchased
  • Photo of the current model of their previously purchased car
Omnimail Campaign dashboard

Personalized Sample Mailer

An e-commerce company sent personalized samples and offers to their anonymous web visitors.

Our Capture Pixel service, allowed them to identify anonymous visitors to key product pages on their site.

Sample kits, triggered by interest in specific product pages, were mailed to web visitors' homes, personalized with their full name and samples of the products they visited.

Boost your Direct Mail Results

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