Unlock the power of your anonymous web visitors

Transform up to 50% of your web visitors into paying customers, brand advocates, and raving fans with our revolutionary Capture Pixel.

Start a Free Trial

Identify up to 50% of your web visitors.

Don't let them escape without a trace – get to know them!

3% of visitors are captured
Discover your anonymous web visitors who usually slip away unnoticed.
we capture 50% of your visitors
Discover your anonymous web visitors who usually slip away unnoticed.
Capture complete identifying information

identity capture

Catch your customers on the way out

If you’re currently driving traffic to your site through paid media marketing, you can’t afford to let those people walk out the door. With Capture PIxel, you get your web visitors' complete information, digital identity, and the pages and products they search.  

Identify web visitors

omnichannel direct marketing

Personalization at another level

Captured visitor data allows you to segment audiences based on their interests and search intent.

As you learn who your potential customers are, you not only know them by name, but you gain incredible insight, letting you retarget to them with personalized and timely messaging.

Capture Pixel harnesses your anonymous visitor data

Data optimization

Harness your own data

Many ad platforms let you reach audiences, but they don't give you your customer data. With Capture Pixel, your customer data belongs to you.

  • Continuously build and own your customer list
  • See real-time activity and lead data on your dashboard
  • Optimize messaging and customer segments based on performance

Integrated with your platforms

Fast and Simple Set-up

Create your account
Start your 14 day free trial and get 500 free leads.
Install Anonymous visitor pixel.
Install Capture Pixel
Get the tracking code and install on your website.
Install Anonymous visitor pixel.
new Leads
Collect names, emails, and digital identities.
Identify your anonymous web visitors.
Identify your visitors
Discover who is on your site and their interests.
Capture anonymous visitors leads on your site.

Grow your audience

Sharpdots helps small and medium sized businesses reach target audiences.

years helping businesses reach audiences
Direct Marketing Campaigns launched
Appended Data

Discover the power of your existing audience

Turn your web visitors into leads.